DNA is a powerful wonderful resource and tool

DNA is an absolutely amazing tool! But it can be really intimidating too! Together you and I can decide on what it is you are hoping to learn. 

DNA can often be a bombshell for people. But DNA does not lie. But if you are looking at DNA for ethnicity information you will find that information will change. This is simply because databases get bigger with more samples and companies are able to use this to further define areas. 

But it won't lie on who you are related to when it comes to other people who have tested. But it won't always show every person you are related to. Your siblings (except identical siblings) will inherit more DNA from one parent than another. This will show they have a higher matched relative than you do. You are still related to them, you just don't have as much of the same part of DNA. 

The same goes towards ethnicity. One sibling may get more of one ethnicity from a parent than another sibling. 

I can explain the ethnicity your DNA has shown. 

I can help you learn which DNA matches match one parent or another. 

I can create a LEEDS chart to help you break down brick walls, find out how you are related to people or which relatives are from which branch of your family. 

I can use it to help you build a family tree.   

Please note that I will not research any living people, I can find out where and how they can fit into your life. But I will not look into the person personally to find out more about them, such as who they married or any children they have. And I will only research the DNA of the person hiring me.